 * Multithreaded local proxy for a server past a firewall. 
 * Usage: LocalProxy proxy-host proxy-port (local-port remote-host remote-port)+ 
 * Usage examples:
 * java LocalProxy www-proxy 80 4444 domain.com 143 
 *    local port 4444 --> domain.com:143 via www-proxy proxy server
 * java LocalProxy www-proxy 1080 4444 domain.com 143 4445 domain.com 993
 *    local port 4444 --> domain.com:143  
 *    local port 4445 --> domain.com:993
 * I use this program to connect to mail server past a company
 * proxy server. I set up a .bat file to run something like 
 * the first example above and then point my mail client (netscape) at 
 * IMAP server at localhost and port 4444.
 * Caveat 1: I know this works for my company's proxy server, I don't 
 * know the exact other proxy flavors that will work. 
 * Caveat 2: There is a lot of noise that gets printed to stdout. 
 * Comment out the prints if they bothers you, but I like it.
 * Note: The way that the proxy works is that you make a connection to 
 * the proxy server, ignore all text (the until you see two consecutive 
 * new lines (\r\f or acs(13)asc(10)) then send the text:
 * CONNECT remotehost:remoteport HTTP/1.1\n\n
 * Note 2: This program can also be used to monitor the traffic that 
 * between the client program and the remote-host. It is pretty frightening
 * how much gets sent in plaintext -- like mail passwords. To see the traffic
 * just uncomment the printBuffer command below. Note
 * that if you are transferring binary data the output is a mess.